witchmond is central virginia A\V culture

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ANDY DUNLAP | chriskattan42@yahoo.com |
DYLAN MULSHINE | musicmakingmachine@gmail.com |

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Roberto De Simone :: "Secondo Coro Delle Lavandaie"

Roberto de Simone (1933– ) is an Italian composer, conductor, ethnomusicologis and theatre director. In his theatrical version of ‘La Gatta Cenerentola’ (‘The Cinderella Cat’, 1976) he set Giambattista Basile’s 17th-century fairy tale to music, incorporating popular songs of Basile’s own time with original variations on the modern folk repertoire of the Naples area. In 1994 he published Fiabe campane: i novantanove racconti delle dieci notti (Fairy Tales from Campania: The Ninety‐Nine Tales of the Ten Nights), the result of 20 years spent tape‐recording oral storytellers in the Campania region of Italy.

thank you JASON HODGES for letting me in on this shit.



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