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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

that scene, where megan fox bends over, why did she do that?

“Friends, Musicians, and Music Lovers,

Tomorrow evening, Tues, February 16th, the Charlottesville City Council meets in Council Chambers at City Hall from 7 to 10 PM, and among the items to discuss is the proposal to lower the sound ordinance from 75dB to 55dB. As most of you know, 55dB is roughly the equivalent of a normal conversation between two people. For a better perspective, the airhandler on your heat pump/air conditioning unit is about 65dB at 30 feet. If this ordinance receives approval, it has the potential to vastly alter what we all now know and love about the Charlottesvilles Restuarant and music scene. More than a single couple enjoying dinner on a patio and conversing would exceed the dB limit, as could a vehicle traveling at normal speeds potentially be in violation. While the ordinance seems to be aimed at music venues specifically, once it goes into effect the legal tool is there to limit much more than music. Restaurant owners with patio seating should be wary.

Is the availability of great live music among the reasons you have for living in Charlottesville? I know I talk with out-of-towners almost weekly who have come to Charlotteville for just that, an evening of dinner and music, which brings revenue into town and helps keep the taxes of those of us who live here lower than they would likely otherwise be. I know many of you are reluctant to “get involved” in anything you see as a politcal issue, but this moves beyond the political scene into the “living” area. You can count on the faction that wants to stop music after 11:00 PM to be in full force and to make their voices heard. If you choose not to be involved, theirs will be the only voices heard by the city council members and they will vote accordingly.

I am disappointed that a few people living in an area that is largely zoned commercial and whose main issue is admittedly not even the music, but rather parking and traffic, are attempting to alter the character and limit the freedom we have enjoyed in our city.

Please don’t sit back and think; “well, maybe I’ll get to the next meeting….there may well not be a next meeting if you don’t show up at this one!

I urge each of you to send this to everyone you know who values art and creativity. “

- Gareth Weldon

sure i posted this to late to actually inform people who read this blog to attend the meeting, but i think it should be known that cville, which has a great music scene is having a sound delima, something that is a damn shame.

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